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Services & Programs

HOMEPAGE > Services & Programs

Domestic Violence Advocacy

Assisting Victims & Survivors

Learn more about Support Groups

Onsite family violence advocates are able to assist survivors of domestic violence by providing supportive services and helping individuals navigate community resources in such a way that maintains confidentiality and keeps the family or individual safe. Advocates are able to provide clients with DV education, safety planning, access to resources such as shelter, housing, healthcare, food/clothing, rental & utility bill assistance, or anything that may impede the safety and success of each individual. Gas vouchers may be provided based on current availability.

Onsite legal advocates can help clients navigate the legal system by offering help with protection orders, parenting plans, divorce/legal separation, assistance with the Address Confidentiality Program, paternity, and court accompaniment. Legal advocates are not lawyers and cannot give legal advice.

Crime Victim Advocacy

For Victims of Crime

Victim advocates are trained to support victims of crime. They offer emotional support, victims’ rights information, help in finding needed resources, and assistance in filling out crime victim-related forms. Advocates work with other organizations, such as criminal justice or social service agencies, to get help or information for the victims we serve. Victim advocates’ responsibilities vary depending on the situation. For more information, please contact us at (253) 383-4275 or fill out this form

Healthy Relationships

Eliminating Teen Violence

Our Sisters' House has implemented an interactive after-school program for the youth in the local community called “healthy relationships”. This program is designed to teach teens how to have not only a healthy relationship with themselves but also with their loved ones and people they interact within their daily lives.

The program utilizes activities for teens to start examining relationships with their family, friends, partners, teachers, and mentors. We discuss ways in which they can improve these relationships and maintain them long-term. Learning about communication, boundaries, and building one’s self-esteem are key at a young age for fostering and developing healthy relationships. By giving them the tools to evaluate and improve their relationships, we hope to put them in a position to succeed and eliminate teen violence in the community. If you are interested in implementing this program in your school or classroom, please contact us at (253) 383-4275.

Building New Bridges

Strengthening Relationships

Building New Bridges is an evidence-based program that will enhance the future of our community by giving at-risk youth and their families the tools that they need to build relationships and meet their goals; which will contribute to the growth of our community at large. The program assists youth to become thriving, contributing individuals by enhancing communication, learning accountability, establishing positive choices, and connecting them with their parents, local businesses, and services in our community.

Parents gain a stronger foundation to support their teens as they grow and change. Building New Bridges provides a safe, non-judgemental, confidential, and compassionate environment to promote healthy decision making and healthy choices by guiding them through interactive seminars, links to local services in the community, and a genuine and caring connection to the adults that volunteer and facilitate the program. If you would like to receive more information, please contact us at (253) 383-4275.


Confabulation - OSH

confabulation (n.)
"a talking together, chatting, familiar talk," from Late Latin confabulationem, noun of action from past participle stem of Latin confabulari "to converse together"

Learn more about Confabulation

Confabulation - OSH is an online podcast where advocates and guest speakers discuss their views on current events and topics. We discuss a wide range of issues that deal with politics, social justice, domestic violence, and much more! Go check us out on iTunes or Spotify @ Confabulation - OSH. We would love to hear your comments and ideas for topics that you would like to see us discuss.

Community Diversion

Community Diversion - OSH

Learn more about Community Diversion

Diversion is a voluntary program and an “informal” and “confidential” for youth to take responsibility for their unlawful behavior without entrenching into the formal court system. Diversion is typically less time consuming and less expensive than the formal court system and records are destroyed when the young person turns 18 years of age.

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